iPresas delivers two work presentations at the “Dam World Webinar”, an event prior to the “4th International Dam World Conference” in Lisbon (Portugal)
The Project for the Development of a Risks Analysis Tool for Hydraulic Equipment of Hydroelectric Dams, co-financed by the AVI, has been completed
iPresas implements an Integrated Management System that includes the ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 14001 Environmental Management standards
iPresas will teach an online Flood Risk Analysis course in collaboration with Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Argentina)
iPresas delivers two presentations in the GNCOLD Annual Conference on “Advanced Methodologies for Dam Safety” in Tbilisi (Georgia)
iPresas assists the Inter-American Development Bank in the elaboration of the ‘Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessment Methodology for IDB Projects’
iPresas participates in the 1st International Conference on Dam Safety Management and Engineering in Malaysia
iPresas part of the multidisciplinary team giving the course ‘Risk analysis in the rail sector’ in Madrid (Spain)