This edition was held in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, in February 2019
iPresas has participated during the fourth edition of the International Dam Safety Conference organized by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation of the Government of India within the framework of the DRIP project (Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project). This edition was held in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, on 13-14 February 2019. The final bulletin can be found at this link.
Ignacio Escuder, founding partner of iPresas, participated as invited speaker during the plenary session with title “EMERGING CHALLENGES IN DAM SAFETY MANAGEMENT”. During his presentation with title “A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE FOR DAM SAFETY”, he highlighted the current European context and recent successful examples of the paradigm shift towards a better dam safety governance in Europe and worldwide.
In addition, he participated as Chairman of Technical Session 5 “Safety Reviews and Risk Assessment”, and he also gave an oral presentation with title “RECENT INTERNATIONAL EXAMPLES OF THE ADDED VALUE OF RISK ASSESSMENTS IN DAM SAFETY”.
Adrián Morales, CTO at iPresas, participated as speaker with a contribution with title “DRIP GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSING AND MANAGING RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH DAMS IN INDIA”. These Guidelines can be downloaded from this link.