
Broaden your knowledge of disaster risk analysis and management with iPresas. Our training offers a unique opportunity to strengthen your ability to understand and address the challenges posed by natural hazards and Climate Change, and to achieve greater safety and resilience in your infrastructure.

iPresas has extensive experience in the development of training activities and technical training in risk analysis applied to safety management of dams and other infrastructure projects. 

Through interactive courses, workshops, and webinars, you will be able to gain in-depth knowledge of risk analysis, identifying hazards and failure modes, calculating consequences, as well as using advanced technologies for risk management. Our instructors are highly qualified and will guide you throughout the entire learning process.

Through our training programs, we provide participants with the tools and skills necessary to effectively address the challenges associated with dam safety and infrastructure project management. Our practical hands-on approach ensures that participants gain relevant and applicable knowledge that enables them to make informed decisions and implement effective risk management on their projects.

Análisis de riesgos

Risk analysis

Training ranges from the basics of risk analysis methodologies to advanced training for dam portfolio management. Our training programs are designed to provide participants with a solid knowledge of risk analysis techniques, as well as the skills needed to apply them effectively in different contexts.

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Transferencia know-how

Transfer of know-how

The path to better management of the safety of dams and other infrastructure is a gradual process that requires both specific training and the transfer of know-how. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and close collaboration, we aim to facilitate the transfer of knowledge to our participants so that they can effectively apply it in their projects.

Gestión de riesgo de desastres

Disaster Risk Management

We offer training services in natural disaster risk analysis and management, as well as in the application of risk analysis techniques to the management of critical infrastructure. Our training programs are designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, assess, and mitigate the risks associated with natural disasters and improve the safety and resilience of critical infrastructure.



Our courses and training programs are designed by dam safety and risk analysis experts whit in-depth knowledge and experience in the field. We ensure that our participants acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to meet the current and future challenges in dam risk management.

In addition, at iPresas we understand the importance of adapting our training programs to the specific needs of the client. We recognise that each project and organisation has unique requirements and challenges, we strive to customize our courses and programs to meet these needs. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals and objectives and design a training experience that perfectly fits their needs, also offering flexibility in the teaching modality (online, face-to-face or blended).

If you are interested in our courses, write to us

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