From iPresas we are aware that climate change is a challenge for dam safety, so its adaptation is necessary to guarantee the continuity of these essential infrastructures. For that reason we have devolped a methodology that allows introducing and assessing the influence of climate change in the dams.
As you may know, in the following years, climate change will modify from the floods magnitude and the water resources available to the downstream dynamics of population.
For this reason, iPresas team has worked together with the researcher Javier Fluixá, in the development of a methodology that allows incorporating the effect of climate change on dam safety, combining quantitative risk analysis with climate models outputs. This methodology allows assessing the influence of climate change in all the dam aspects, in order to plan future investments and hereby, adapting our dams in a justified manner based on efficiency indicators.
Moreover, this methodology has been published in two articles in the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), which is a high level peer review journal in this field (first quartile-Q1). These two articles can be downloaded for free in the links shown below.