Quality Policy and MA

The Management considers this Quality and Environmental Policy appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization. This includes the nature, magnitude, and environmental impacts of its activities, which provides a reference framework for the establishment and review of quality and environmental objectives, facilitating greater control of the processes included within the scope of the System as established in the reference standards UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015. Therefore, the quality and environmental policy is based on the following pillars:



  • To fully satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, eliminating non-quality costs and meeting their requirements to increase customer satisfaction.
  • Create a favorable climate for the prevention of pollution and environmental protection within the company, training, motivating, and sensitizing the staff in relation to quality, environment, and teamwork, allowing the achievement of the defined quality and environmental objectives.
  • Seek continuous improvement and improvement of our environmental performance, achieving, ensuring, and maintaining customer confidence through compliance in the provision of our services.
  • Comply with legal requirements and other commitments defined in the provision of the service offered by the organization based on its context, seeking improvement in the management of waste, consumption and emissions derived from our work in the distribution of printing equipment.
  • Sustainable use of resources to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect biodiversity and ecosystems.



This policy is communicated and understood by the staff and is disseminated through the organization’s website along with the different certificates, for all those interested parties who want to know the policy and the scope of the system. From the Management, we are committed to ensure that this policy is reviewed for its continuous adaptation.

Doc.: Quality and Environmental Policy. Cod.: PCYMA00
Rev.: 00
Last Update: 20/08/2021