The effect that climate change may have in the long-term over dam and reservoir management and safety has to be considered as a highly relevant aspect. Therefore, it is necessary to have appropriate management tools and to develop a clear and organized strategy for decision-making and prioritization of investments. Moreover, it is important to consider the variability and uncertainty of meteorological conditions due to climate change.
In order to reduce this uncertainty, iPresas team has developed, along with researchers Javier Fluixà-Sanmartín and Jesica Tamara Castillo-Rodríguez, a methodology that offers a practical vision of adaptative risk management of dams, which is based on sound decision-making strategies and the probability estimation of climate change scenarios.
This methodology is detailed in the paper “Accounting for Climate Change Uncertainty in Long-Term Dam Risk Management”, published in the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (first quartile-Q1). This paper can be consulted and purchased through the following link.