iPresas software – 2018 demo versions already available

  • iPresas software supports dam safety governance through risk-informed prioritization of potential investments
The software includes two tools: iPresas Manager and iPresas Calc

iPresas software helps to improve dam safety governance and to prioritize potential investments for dam and portfolio management.

iPresas MANAGER and iPresas CALC can be used to support decisions that allow the user (infrastructure owner or manager) to perform a more informed, global and efficient management by having more information about the system.


iPresas Calc is a software developed for risk modelling for different scenarios (e.g. hydrologic or seismic scenarios), as well as estimating the potential social and economic consequences.

This program has a intuitive graphical user interface to integrate loads, system response and consequences through the use of influence diagrams and event trees.


This program has been designed as a software to support safety management for a group of infrastructures based on the results of their corresponding risk models at dam and portfolio level.

In fact, this tool allows homogeneous comparisons among all infrastructures in a portfolio and comparison of risk results with international tolerability recommendations.

Also, it allows to calculate several risk reduction indicators, as well as design, visualization and evaluation of different sequences of measures.

Software demo

iPresas has also developed two demo software versions that can be downloaded.

iPresas HidSimp is a simplified version of iPresas Calc to calculate and evaluate overtopping risk for dams.

iPresas Flood is a simplified version to compute flood risk due to river flooding and including Cost-Benefit Analysis of flood defence infrastructures.

Further more information can be found in this link.