- The DAMSAFE project, “Enhancing Dam Safety and Reservoir Management in India”, is coordinated by Deltares, and co-funded by RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency).
Enhancing Dam Safety and Reservoir Management in India through the development of innovative technologies. This is the main objective of the DAMSAFE project (“Enhancing Dam Safety and Reservoir Management in India”), co-financed by RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and in which iPresas participates along with Deltares, Royal Eijkelkamp and SkyGeo.
The work is being developed for a pilot case in India. Bhadra dam is located in the State of Karnataka and the project aims at implementing an integrated approach, including different innovative tools – developed and tested in other places – that provide high quality information for the end user and help to improve existing technical knowledge about the dam-reservoir system.
“The hydraulic infrastructures are of vital importance in India at both urban and rural areas. They provide water for irrigation (food production), generate electricity and offer flood protection. Dams are aging and also facing different circumstances than when designed, due to changes in land use, socio-economic developments and climate change”, explains the technical director of iPresas, Adrián Morales.
Therefore, this project aims to develop a tool to support decisions that allows the user to make a better informed, global and efficient management of the system.
Meeting of DAMSAFE project in February 2017
DAMSAFE combines monitoring technology and risk dam safety assessment with forecasting modelling and early warning. In addition, innovative techniques for data adquisition are being incorporated using PSInSAR technology. ´the FEWS platform, developed by Deltares,will be used to integrate and represent results.
“We use our software “iPresas Calc” to estimate and analyze existing risk and compare outcomes with international tolerability recommendations, to identify, analyse and prioritize measures and evaluate the impact of risk reduction actions”, says Adrián Morales.
You may visit the website of the DAMSAFE project here.