iPresas participated actively during the “International Dam Safety Conference” held in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (India), during 23 and 24 January, 2018.
Specifically, Adrián Morales and Jessica Castillo presented a contribution with title “Decision Making Under Uncertainty on Risk-Informed Dam Safety Management: Which Action Goes First?” during Technical Session T1A “Potential risk associated with dam design, construction, maintenance, operation, and safety assurance of dams”.
In addition, Ignacio Escuder, founding partner of iPresas, acted as Chairman and invited speaker of Technical Session T1B, presenting a Theme paper with title “Uncertainties and Risk Management in Dams”.
This event, with more than 500 delegates, has arisen as the reference conference in India, bringing together dam professionals and experts in various inter-related disciplines from India and around the world to discuss, reflect and share technology and experience in addressing dam safety issues and strategies. The Conference had one Plenary Session, four Technical Sessions, and one Industry Session. There were three stimulating presentations during the Plenary Session by eminent dam safety professionals.
This Conference is fourth in the series, organized under the aegis of the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP); the Central Water Commission of India is managing DRIP with the financial assistance from the World Bank to rehabilitate about 225 dams in India.
The International Dam Safety Conference 2018, was organized jointly by the Central Water Commission (CWC), Kerala Water Resources Department (KWRD), Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB), National Institute of Technology, Calicut (NITC), and College of Engineering, Trivandrum (CET).
Further information can be found at this link.