iPresas´ Team have a total commitment to the quality of our services and a great respect for the environment. For that reason, we have implemented and certified an Integrated Management System that includes ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards
On July 17, 2020, iPresas received the certification of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management standards, which comes to reward the implementation of the Integrated Management System carried out in recent months. The adoption of these standards has substantially improved the organization and communication of the company, as well as its environmental awareness. This recognition expresses our commitment to the continuous improvement of our services and to use the available resources efficiently and responsibly.
These certifications will lead to greater operational efficiency, return on investment and profitability, as well as increased business opportunities. In addition, ISO standards certification will reinforce the iPresas reputational image nationally and internationally.