The event, held every two years, took place in Milan (Italy), from 9th to 11th September 2019.
Project Engineer of iPresas Daniel Cervera participated in the 15th ICOLD International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, organized by the ICOLD Technical Committee on Numerical Analysis of Dams.
During the first two days, different solutions were presented for different themes and on the third day a technical visit was organized. The day after, once the workshop was over, a short course titled “Modern Methods for Nonlinear Earthquake Response History Analysis of Concrete Dams” taught by the Professor A. Chopra (Berkeley University of California, USA) took place.
Specifically, in the event 63 papers were presented for the following themes:
- Theme A: Seismic analysis of Pine Flat concrete dam.
- Theme B: Seismic analyses of Menta Embankment dam.
- Theme C: Coupled hydromechanical analysis of the pre-failure and the failure behaviour of a dyke on soft subsoil.
- Theme D: Papers related to numerical modelling of dams and/or appurtenant structures.