iPresas develops “iPorts” software

As part of the project “Development of a methodology and software tool for the application of risk analysis techniques to managing natural disasters and climate change in coasts and ports”, co-financed by the IVACE and ERDF, the creation of this tool allows the access to a new market segment for the company: technical assistance in risk analysis for coastal and port infrastructures.

The Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial, IVACE), with the help of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), granted in January 2020 to iPresas an aid for the realization of the project entitled Development of a methodology and software tool for the application of risk analysis techniques to managing natural disasters and climate change in coasts and ports.

The final objective of this project was developing a software that would allow the application of risk analysis to port and coastal environments, considering the effects of climate change.

The new software supports decision-making in the design and maintenance of coasts and dikes (dikes, coastal defenses, promenades, beaches, etc.). In addition, the use of this tool could facilitate the management of current ports and coastal infrastructures in terms of risk analysis, making possible to undertake certain maintenance and conservation actions for the infrastructures.

The effects of climate change are considered taking into account the different future scenarios proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations institution in charge of evaluating scientific knowledge related to climate change.

For the development of this tool, iPresas has had the support of the Institute of Transport and Territory of the Universitat Politècncia de València (ITT-UPV). Particularly, the help of the Responsible Professor Jorge Molines, who has extensive experience in the field of Maritime Engineering.

The creation of this software tool opens up a new business line not yet addressed by iPresas, such as technical assistance in the field of risk analysis in coastal and port infrastructures.

The iPresas team would like to thank the Valencian Institute of Business Competiviness for its trust and constant support.