The online event took place from September 22nd to 24th.
Due to the Pandemic Crisis, the “4th International Dam World Conference” organised to take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on September 22 and 24 has been postponed, with dates yet to be announced. For this reason, the DW2020 Organisers set up the “Dam World Webinar”, an online event to be held in the Conference original dates. In this way, authors will not miss the opportunity to share their recent work and thoughts with the dam engineering community.
The team of iPresas actively participated in the online event through two presentations that took place on September 22nd, within Session 2.
The first one, entitled “Proposal of seismic damage criteria for embankment dams in the context of risk analysis” was carried out by Daniel Cervera (first author and project engineer of iPresas), Adrián Morales (Technical Director and Partner of iPresas) and Ignacio Escuder (Founding Partner of iPresas). In this work, a review of seismic damage criteria in embankment dams is made based on different international recommendations and proposals from different authors. Finally, in order to show how this criterion can be used to obtain seismic fragility curves for seismic-induced failure mode in embankment dams, the reviewed damage criterion is applied in a real case study.
The second presentation was carried out by Adrián Morales, first author of the work together with Ignacio Escuder, Jessica Castillo (Polytechnic University of Valencia) and Vicente Pardo (project engineer of iPresas). The work, entitled “Using failure mode identification as a technical audit of hydropower dams”, presents the advantages of including a qualitative risk assessment in technical audits of hydropower dams. Thanks to this, it is possible to provide a more integral approach for dam safety management, relating the recommendations to potential failures, and involving the dam safety managers and key actors in the audit through collaborative sessions.
During the “Dam World Webinar” numerous international experts on dam safety management shared experiences and discussed safety and modern technologies applied to dams.