The 12th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, organized by ATCOLD(Austrian National Committee on Large Dams), the ICOLD Technical Committee A on “Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams”, and Graz University of Technology (TUGraz), was held inGraz (Austria) from October 2-4, 2013.
The scientific programme included presentations from open papers and three different themes: “Fluid Structure Interaction: Arch Dam Reservoir at Seismic Loading” (formulated by Dr. Genz & Dipl.-Ing. Goldgruber), “Long Term Behavior of Rockfill Dams” (formulated by Dr. Marulanda & Dr. Larrahondo), and, a third theme entitled “Consequence Estimation for Risk Assessment”.
The third theme, “Consequence Estimation for Risk Assessment”, is part of an effort coordinated by USACE, DHS and Los Alamos National Laboratory, resulting in a very valuable and unique information of utmost utility for dam safety risk professionals. This theme was proposed based on the success of including a risk analysis calculation Theme in the past Benckmark Workshop, held in Valencia (Spain), in 2011, at such time a “Probability of Failure Calculation” Theme, formulated by Universitat Politècnica de València.
Further information can be found in the Benchmark Workshop website by following this link.