Comprehensive quantitative dam risk analysis, evaluation and prioritization of remedial actions for a case study in Sweden

From 2011 to 2012, iPresas has developed a project for Elforsk in Sweden.

Elforsk AB started operations in 1993 and is owned jointly by Svensk Energi (Swedenergy) and Svenska Kraftnät (the Swedish National Grid). Its overall aim is to coordinate the industry’s joint research and development. Operations are organized in five programme areas: Hydropower, Electricity and Heat Production, Transmission and Distribution, Electricity End-Use, and Strategies and Systems.

The project was divided into two phases: “Phase I” (or qualitative) undertaken from May to December 2011, and “Phase II” (or quantitative) from January to December 2012.

The three main pillars of the project have been: providing robust and defensible practical results for a case study (Hällby dam), creating the proper dynamics for knowledge transfer and identifying research needs and opportunities.

Working session (Stockholm, June 2012)

The context and conditions under which risk analysis techniques have been applied rely in the fact that Hällby Dam, as a practical case study, has been the driving force for knowledge transfer and a common fireplace where experiences have been exchanged, following a transparent and defensible process.

In addition, identified opportunities come from the fact that the developed risk analysis can be connected with other lines of research at Elforsk and can be used to integrate them in a common framework.

The final report of this project, entitled “Quantitative risk analysis for dams – a case study in Sweden” can be found in the following link.